How much does it cost to fitout an office?
This is a very variable question to answer. You need to ensure that whoever you’re getting to price this for you includes everything that you need to renovate your office successfully.
The quote needs to include things like air-conditioning alterations and additions to a compliant and usable standard, and disability access, likewise achieved compliantly to the Building Code of Australia’s (BCA) requirements. One of the common things that we find annoys our clients, is when they try get a comparable quote, they find that the other quote is missing lots of things.
The best way to do it is to provide a detailed transparent costing, itemizing all the components you need for your office to be done successfully. What our clients have found in hindsight, when they’ve engaged a company that hasn’t been ethical and hasn’t told the truth from the start, they just say oh look, this has come up and we need to allow this as an extra. This has come up – we haven’t allowed for this. It’s an extra so much.
This is why it is important to be a truth teller. We know that our clients need to borrow money, spend money through super funds, unit trust set-ups, and more, meaning that they can’t just suddenly pluck money from anywhere else for extras.
ICON INTERIORS tell the truth from the start. We give you a complete scope of everything that you need to do for your project to be done successfully, legally and compliant.
Rather than getting stung later, we provide you a fixed lump sum costing, so you can see exactly where all the money’s going, giving you a strong grasp on the numbers for your finance team and for your future planning.
If your business is being held back and you need to transform your workplace, we’d love to help you. Give us a call, we’ll be glad to assist you to transform your workplace, culture and ultimately increase profitability into the future.
Some other videos in this series that you may be interested in:
Why do other fitout companies have a page of exclusions?
How can I ensure there are no aircon costs outside of the quote?
How do I know how much to allow for my Fitout budget?
How can the 150K write-off benefit us?
How can I maximise my tax write-off?
Do we need an insurance policy to cover ICON INTERIORS project completion?