Did Chetan have a whole team supporting his office transformation?

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You absolutely nailed it!

The experience itself was really fantastic overall.  Hats off to all the whole team, not just one person, you know, there’s people involved it in, not just you and Sophie, there’s Victoria & Bridget. There’s a team underneath.
So overall, your attitude to your customer, and your center is your customer service, which I love. Price can be looked after by anyone, but customer service can’t be looked after by anyone. All the steps were very informative in the way the project is supposed to be and that’s why your customers are happy like me. you know. Excellent, and kudos to your team, and you (Gavin) as well, definitely. Cannot be happier than where I am right now. This is my dream project – I would like to sleep here for the next 5 years!
I see you that you still have a culture with the cleaners! The body corporate has a cleaner and he came to me last week, and he said the builder that you got, I don’t know where you got him from – but they are absolutely clean as. And the moral of it is, to sell to the customer, and present it in the way it is supposed to be – and you guys have done it. You absolutely nailed it.